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Charlevoix Country Club Association

News and Notes


As our snowy winter continues, managing the pile-up of snow becomes more of a challenge. We have noticed that some plow companies are letting snow piles at the end of driveways extend into the street. This narrows our already tight streets and hinders our street plows from Landscape Logic. Please ensure your plow services push all snow off of our streets. Thank you.


Jerry Paga has resigned from his position as President of the HOA Board - we appreciate his service and dedication to the community!

We are pleased to announce that Vincent Mastervito, who has served as Vice President, will assume the role of President. We are confident that Vincent will continue to lead our board with commitment and integrity.

Architectural Review Board

This is a friendly reminder that any changes to the exterior of your home need to be submitted for approval to the Architectural Review Board. This includes healthy trees that are greater than 12 inches in diameter at the height of 3 feet. 

Submissions can be emailed to

Thank you for your cooperation!

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